What I find more infuriating and repellent than the pusillanimous double-speak of the Mullahs and the truncheon waiving crudity of their paid henchmen, is the abysmal coverage of this transformative event by the Western media. On one hand you have the Legion of Jackals in the likes of Brit Hume of FOX news, who have declared that the Obama administration has a vested interest in perpetuating the Ahmedinejad presidency. Other like minded public management organizations in the MSM (Mainstream Media) have paid equally scant attention to the issues at hand and/or given their standard mealy-mouth prognosis of the subject.
The reasons are simple: when you begin to understand that there are millions of people who truly live under the boot of tyranny, who know very well that any sort of protest against their leaders may lead to beatings, torture, and even death, but are willing to stand, shout, and let the world know that these filthy despots cannot control them and they will fight for their liberty, then our own pathetic lives seem terribly vacuous.
People should then ask the simple question of themselves; how it is that students, middle aged businessmen, and housewives can frighten dictatorships, but yet we the sovereign, we the people who supposedly hold the power in our democracy, we who own the airwaves, roads, and public institutions are powerless to change the events in our lives? Why is it that so few of us will stand up to our own lecherous governments when they institute torture as a national policy, remove rights that have existed for centuries, record our every conversations, emails, and movement, and when despite overwhelming opinion propel us into the maw of perpetual war?
Kurtz stated the answer in Apocalypse Now, "They lie. They lie and we have to be merciful for those who lie, for those nabobs. I hate them. I do hate them."
We are always being lied to. We are always being distracted. We are always being fed industrially refined and research tested propaganda. To make things worst, the dimmest of the population when asked will begin kicking sand in everyone's faces over such incredibly irrelevant issues such as gay marriage, what level of taxation your estate will be subject to when you're dead, and should stem cells be legally considered as fully formed human beings. So when the subject of revolution does occur, when people naturally ask why are people dying for their freedom, we are asked and told to look away, because the sight may be of detriment to our own government.
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