One of the more enduring alternative hypothesise that global warming skeptics have forwarded in attempting to rationalize why ambient global temperatures are on the increase, has been in correlating the natural periodicity of the planet to biosphere transformations. The basis of this argument is that Earth’s orbit varies in distance from the Sun over a 21,000 year cycle, leading to defined and determinable changes.
The above Christian Science Monitor article outlines research, conducted by Northern Arizona University (NAU) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., over a period of five-years, that has reconstructed 2,000 years of Arctic summer temperatures. The research team combined previous data from ice cores and tree rings with lake sediment data to build a record of events substantially beyond the existing 400 year record.
The study shows the Arctic is warming two to three times faster than anywhere else at a time when it should be cooling down. Natural changes in Earth’s orbit vary our distance from the Sun over a 21,000 year cycle. The closer we are, the warmer the Arctic and vice versa. Right now, we’re in the cool down part of that cycle. The study confirms a cooling trend over the past 2,000 years until it reversed about a century ago. The Arctic summer now is about 2.5 degrees warmer than it should be.
In an announcement of this result, team member Nicholas McKay explained that, “The 20th century is the first century for which how much energy we’re getting from the Sun is no longer the most important thing governing the temperature of the Arctic.” His co-author, Caspar Ammann at NCAR, said, “This study provides a clear example of how increased greenhouse gases are now changing our climate.”
As alternative explanations to global warming continue to fall to the wayside, the evidence continues to point to the fact that anthropogenic sources of CO2 emissions arising from the massive industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries has precipitated this climate shift. Instead of engaging this subject with our best minds and efforts, we have allowed oil and gas companies, people with no understanding of science (much less evolution and ecology), anti-intellectuals who believe in a 6,000 year old earth, and bought off Western politicians to dictate the future of all life on this planet. Military organizations across the world have already started war-gaming the outcomes and have begun making internal preparations. Yet those in power would rather dither and obfuscate the reality to the public, while the dumbest of our population scold us that the American president just may be a resident alien who is a closet-communist seeking to euthanize the elderly and incarcerate card carrying rednecks in FEMA holding cells.
In some ways the issue is moot, for humanity has already waited too long to prevent the problem. We are now past the point of no-return, as the tell tale products of global climate change emerge: acidification of oceans, irregular precipitation patterns, drought, forest fires that are larger and more destructive (i.e. Australia, Greece, and Western North America), declining agricultural production, rising ocean levels, and mounting civil unrest brought on by environmental scarcity. Even if we were to completely stop all industrialization tomorrow, the existing gases in the atmosphere will reside there for decades and continue to likewise heat the planet.
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