Sunday, September 13, 2009

FLQ Terrorists of Quebec: Osama's Brethren

'Have you ever seen a bus full of the English blow up?'

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When examples of terrorist threats from Canada are considered, there are a number of obvious examples. The first being the millennium bomber, Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian recruited by Al-Qaeda to infiltrate and destroy Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on the eve of the 2000 new year. Through his ineptitude and the good work on the part of US custom agents, Ressam was caught. The second example is the case of the Toronto-18, a group of delinquent youth with lofty ambitions, who conspired to blow up federal buildings in Toronto and Ottawa and behead Prime Minister Stephen Harper. While these pack-mules for Islamic duncery have been given plenty of press, they fail to reach the levels of criminality and wishful mayhem that Canada's first home grown terrorists, the FLQ, achieved.

The FLQ (Front de Libération du Quebec) was a left-wing nationalist and socialist revolutionary group in Quebec, with at least two terrorist cells. It was responsible for more than 200 bombings, including the bombing of the Montreal Stock Exchange in 1969 and the deaths of at least five people. These attacks culminated in 1970 with what is known as the October Crisis, in which British Trade Commissioner James Cross was kidnapped and Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte was murdered.

In today's Montreal Gazette is a reminder that while the faces and exact threats to civilized society may change, the intent and desire by small groups driven by ideological fervor and murderous contempt of their fellow citizens remains constant. The author provides a chilling recount of their anarchist mind frame, which is nearly verbatim to the bogus self-serving victimology and ethno-religious superiority espoused by the above Islamists. Consider the FLQ's language, "We do not terrorize our people; on the contrary, the Front de Libération du Quebec is a vast front of love and fraternity."

Then examine their "loving" declarations:

In a little while the English, the federalists, the exploiters, the toadies of the occupiers, the lackeys of imperialism - all those who betray the workers and the Quebec nation - will fear for their lives and they will be right. For the FLQ will kill ... Our present cells will look like amateurs when our elite groups go into action.

Have you ever seen a bus full of the English blow up?
Have you ever seen an English library burning?
Have you ever seen the president of a Yankee corporation under fire?
Have you ever seen a pellet micro-bomb?
Have you ever seen a miniature incendiary bomb?
Have you ever seen a can explode on the shelf of a supermarket in the British quarter?
Have you ever seen a Protestant church burning?
Have you ever seen Westmount without telephones or electricity and with its water supply poisoned?
Have you ever seen sharp-shooters ambushed on roofs, shooting down traitors?
Be sure you soon will!!!
Despite the continuous failures of these domestic terrorists to achieve their ends, whether it is in the context of killing school children in Beslan Russia, murdering pre-schoolers at the Oklahoma federal building bombing, the incinerating of civilians in London, Madrid, or Bali attacks; it is also quite apparent that there will always remain an entrenched and obscene element of our society who affiliate themselves with these murderous entities. Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Quebec separatist party, the Bloc Quebecois, recently defended plans to read aloud the 1970 FLQ manifesto (a lengthy left-wing screed against the ills of capitalism) during a cultural festival in Quebec City, telling reporters it is history and those who object are condoning "censorship." When the manifesto was read to a public gathering at the outdoor festival, cheers of "Bravo" and the FLQ's battle-cry for revolution and social mayhem, “Nous vaincrons” (we will overcome) could be heard from sympathizers.

It is no doubt then why Ressam found himself such a welcomed guest within the province of Quebec, prior to his deluded mission.

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