The drop in home prices is fueling a vicious cycle of foreclosures as it eliminates homeowner equity and gives borrowers an incentive to walk away from their mortgages. The more severe the negative equity, the more likely are defaults, since many borrowers believe prices will not recover enough.
Homeowners with the riskiest mortgages taken out during the housing boom have seen the greatest erosion in equity, in part because they were "affordability products" originated at the housing peak, Deutsche said. They include subprime loans, of which 69 percent will be underwater in 2011, up from 50 percent in March, Deutsche said.
The following table summarizes the overall situation.
Welcome to 'nightmare on main street' America.
When the history books are written, it won't be the Soviet Union, Fascist German industrialists, the Chinese, or immigrant Latinos who brought America to its knees. It will be recognized that the true enemy of the state were the high-rollers of casino-capitalism and their moneyed whores in Congress who sold 300 million Americans down the toilet for personal greed.
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