Sunday, September 5, 2010

Employee Health Insurance Changes

Kevin Drum at his blog over at unloads the statistics related to the unsustainable increases in worker health insurance, for both the employer and employee over the past decade in America.  With individual increases in deductions, co-payments, and other ancillary charges, coupled with the fact that the average person's income has flat-lined or worst decreased during the past decade, America's middle class and low wage earners are seeing more of their income shunted towards paying for health care.

The problem with this arrangement, which I've discussed to some depth in a previous blog entry, is that the system is broken and without meaningful cost controls, strict penalties on those who engage in slothful and/or unhealthy lifestyles, and a shift towards re-aligning the American market to one that which exists in other Western nations, costs will continue to increase, the quality of service and the level of coverage will decrease, and the insurance companies in collusion with big-Pharma will reap the excessive profits.

Like everything in America these days, little attention is made towards reasonable and intelligent discourse.  Instead the dunces prattle on about imaginary enemies, irrelevant conflicts, and absurd realities in their Quixotic journey through life.  Attention to meaningful policies that affect all Americans, is jettisoned to make way for everyone's two-minutes of hate.  The right attacks liberal institutions, environmentalists, and all the secular evils for depriving them of their non-regulated Christian Eden.  The left bickers amongst themselves about gay-politics, token policy gestures made by the Obama White House, and the deceit of Democratic Party, while rarely challenging or stopping the crony-capitalists.

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