Saturday, October 15, 2011

Third world America: Highland Park, Michigan

Is America the richest country in the world?

Ostensibly the claim is made that America is the greatest country in the world.  A continental nation with global commercial centers, successful manufacturing sectors, a productive workforce, and over 8.4 million households with assets greater than 1-Million dollars (excluding their primary residence). According to Bloomberg News, more than 600,000 persons became millionaires in America in 2010.

However, the rest of the country has not been so lucky and many areas remain mired in debt and socio-economic decline.  The state most exemplifying changes in America's fortunes has been Michigan.  Due to the state's dependence on the automotive industry, Michigan never recovered from the initial dot-com recession of 2001.  For the totality of the decade of the zeroes, the state shed jobs, businesses, and people.  Middle class union jobs that were the backbone of the economy were slashed.  The net result was depression level cut-backs in government spending at the municipal and state level.  With decreased taxes, municipalities cut services; including essential services like police, fire-fighters, and ambulances.

An example of this freefall into urban dystopia is the current city of Highland Park.  The small city of eleven thousand lies encapsulated by Detroit and has witnessed a population decline of 33% since 2000.  Until 1995 it was the former home of Chrysler Automotives, which contributed to nearly 50% of the city's tax base at the time. The decade of the zeroes was particularly harsh to metropolitan Detroit and cities like Highland Park.

In a recent Detroit News article, DTE energy was removing street lights, of which 1,400 have already been extracted, as part of "of a settlement that allowed the city to avoid paying $4 million in unpaid bills going back several years."

Residents of the city are unhappy that basic utilities and services, such as luminating city streets and the front of business locations will not be available.  The Detroit News elaborates:
"After they took the street light from in front of my business, someone climbed onto my roof and stole an air conditioning unit," said Bobby Hargrove, owner of Hargrove Machinery Sales on Oakland Avenue, who also claims a police officer asked him for money to beef up his protection. "I feel like I'm being punished — I've always paid my bills on time, but they took the street light anyway."
So this is where America stands.  Broken urban landscapes bereft of basic amenities and services that people had a century ago.  Welcome to third world America.

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