Thursday, October 14, 2010

Barry Ritholtz tells consumers to sue the banks

Barry Ritholtz, who blogs at The Big Picture, tells everyone who may have encountered or been harmed by the blatant and unequivocal fraud orchestrated by the banking and mortgage lending industry, to file criminal charges against the relevant parties, demand local AG's pursue litigation, and engage the media/political classes to expose the situation further.
If you have been in any way personally harmed by the illegal actions of any bank, law firm, process server, or loan servicing agency, you MUST file criminal charges.

If your home was broken into by a firm to change the locks illegally, that is breaking and entering, and conspiracy. If the wrong bank filed a foreclosure action, if the wrong house was foreclosed upon, its time to go criminal prosecution route.

Go to the local police department, fill out the requisite forms. Then go to your District Attorney’s Office or County Prosecutor’s office, and ask to speak to someone in charge. Tell them you want to prosecute. You can also contact your state Attorney General about the same. Follow up with written letters, that you send you your local newspaper and the NYT, WSJ, USA Today.

If any local DAs balk — some will know bank execs from the political groups and golf courses — let them know you will keeping a written record of all of this, and you plan to make sure that their opponent in the next election knows all about their bank coddling ways. When they stammer, hammer them about their opponent’s interest in who is and isn’t a bank bitch.

Corporations that get free speech rights also have liability for their own criminal actions. Its way past time we start forcing those responsibilities to have some meaning.

This is not about keeping deadbeats in their homes, as a few idiots and liars have asserted. The corporate sympathizers who are too busy fellating the bank to recognize what is going should be ignored. This is about fundamental property rights and the Rule of Law in the United States — nothing less.
In my previous post, I advocated the identical strategy.  Unless people want to be disenfranchised, abused, and perennially molested by the corporate degenerates on the street and their paid henchmen in congress, then the only recourse left is the courts.

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