Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dumbest Quote of the Week

There has been a great deal spoken domestically and internationally by all sides of the political spectrum  about Mr. Obama's first year as the 44th President of the USA. 

Many on the left have been critical of Mr. Obama's corporatist leanings and his abandonment of progressive liberal causes, that although have majoritarian support across the nation, are fiercely opposed by corporate America; i.e. universal health care, reigning in corporate malfeasance and corruption, strong environmental protections, prosecution of the Bush juntas most flagrant abuses, and an end to the militarism encapsulated in the current trans-Middle Eastern wars (discussed by me here, here, and here). 

America's right wing on the other hand; a blend of regressive antediluvian racists, southern and middle American Christianists, and Wall Street corporatists, have gone full throttle in excoriating Mr. Obama as everything from the anti-Christ to a Marxist to der Furher.  The following quote, included in the Economist  magazine's (Jan. 16th edition) headline article "Reality Bites," illustrates the point:
“I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, neither a jackass nor an elephant. But I wouldn’t vote for a socialist. Hell, I’d vote for Adolf Hitler before I’d vote for Barack Obama. At least you know what he’d do to you,” says Ron King, a retired policeman in Stuart, Virginia. He adds that Mr Obama “lies all the time” and is “dangerous; he’s trying to change the entire country.”
For someone who was formally in law enforcement to declare that they would vote for "Hitler" before they would ever vote for Obama, should shock any sensible person.  How these persons continue to believe, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the Democrats have deviated into some sort of Socialist dystopia, is either an indictment of the American educational system or the inherent stupidity that manifests itself amongst the adherents of  American fascism.  Where were these incensed masses and so-called patriots when Mr. Bush was pushing through his police-state legislation, lying to the public about Iraq's WMDs, instituting torture against American citizens, and dismantling the constitution?  No doubt blaming gays, Hollywood, American secularism, and science for their endless cries of institutional victimization.

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