Friday, September 18, 2009

52 Weeks After the Meltdown

By law of periodical repetition, everything which has happened once must happen again and again -- and not capriciously, but at regular periods, and each thing in its own period, not another's and each obeying its own law.
- Mark Twain

We have become our own Greek tragedy, blinded by hubris and unwilling to understand that we are but permutations in time; whether it is in our genes or our empires. As a civilization we should realize, if history is to teach us anything, that this is the moment of our great undoing, for it has happened before, and we know it will happen again. Below is a summation of recent articles issued this past month discussing the fall of Lehman Brothers and the pertinacious crisis of capitalism.

The Economist
"Unnatural Selection: Wall Street and the City of London survived thanks to state support. Now they need to be weaned off it"
"The Promised Bland: One year after Lehman Brothers collapsed"
"What If?" an examination of what could have occurred if Lehman's didn't go bankrupt.

The NY Times
Has an entire section dedicated to the financial crisis. Some of the better reads are:
Alex Berenson "A year later, little change in Wall St."
Robert Frank "Flaw in free markets: Humans"
Paul Krugman "How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?"

The Financial Times
FT also has an extensive coverage section that details the crisis at different levels.
Niall Ferguson does his best imitation of an contrarian in,"Why a Lehman's Deal would not have saved us"
Martin Wolf "Do not learn wrong lessons from Lehman’s fall"

The Globe and Mail
A timeline of the events is described in "Lehman Brothers: one year later"
Sinclair Stewart "The day everything - and nothing - changed." The story remains the same, as it is a story of men empty of decency, moral strength, and even humanity.

Business Week
BW also has a reasonable section discussing the financial crisis one year later. Unfortunately those who need to learn most, will not be interested.

Der Spiegel (International edition) has a solid set of articles on the failures and return of American inspired Casino-Capitalism. Those who know about defeat that arises from hubris should be listened to.

Ralph Nader
, who predicted this entire fiasco more than a decade ago has a commentary on the return of casino capitalism in, "Rolling the Dice Again" Ignore at your own peril.

Robert Reich, former Sectatary of Labor in the first Clinton Admin. and constant critic of unregulated laissez-faire capitalism counters in his blog, "The Continuing Disaster of Wall Street, One Year Later."

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